Does School really matter?

Does School really matter?

Let me first pause a question to all of you, why are you in school? Personally, I believe it’s to fulfill my parents dream since they didn’t get that much education but can truly entrust all their life saving in this idea they hope so much for. In Africa, we are still struggling with poverty levels that are unreal though we seem to forget the sane reason as to why this whole education system came about. The colonial masters introduced this such that incase one made a discovery for example Einstein had the apple fall on his head, the next person should not be surprised anymore in the future since research had already been invested into this and for the same complexity in the quantum physics, we are more likely to be faced by more serious situations that would require more serious analogies than those seen before. Suddenly, the information age came in quite fast in the 21st century with the rival of the data age where there is a lot of information dawned onto us and yet we still have this thing called the education system. In the developed countries that have realized this early enough, it’s no longer a big deal to get a first class, or whichever honorary degree but more of what more skill can you add on to this work more like what can you use all our information for. For the same reason we can’t imagine how much more we can move without relying on the wise man Google. It’s quite a great time to explore all these intricacies before the whole chunk unravels. More like playing the end game in chess so to say being proactive rather than reactive. After a brief idea from my view, do you still think School in the 21st century still matters? Please bother to comment below with your ideas.